
baseclick is setting a new direction for science and technology

Our approach is translating basic research into developing cancer diagnostic and research tool utilizing click chemistry approaches and support development of therapies and therapeutic, vaccines and drugs, in conjugating chemical entities to nucleic acids, in particular oligomeric RNA and mRNA for tissue and cellular targeting.
Our team of experts transforms your RNA design, from oligomeric to large mRNA, to support your product development.
Therefore, baseclick’s powerful set of technologies will enable baseclick and its clients to develop effective therapies.

Evolution of mRNA vaccines


Cluster for nucleic Acid Therapeutics Munich (CNATM) creates a network for the development of novel nucleic acid-based drugs and next-generation vaccines and we are part of it. The replacement of uridine with 1-methylpseudouridine helped the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 to achieve significantly improved pharmacological properties. However, the limited shelf life and the complex formulation in liposomes complicate the production and presumably also the efficiency of the mRNA vaccines. It is expected that further modifications will enable significant optimizations. This project focuses on further chemical modification of the mRNA nucleotide positions (based on click chemistry) and the generation of polycistronic mRNAs in order to be able to vaccinate against coexisting virus variants with a single vaccine.

Cooperation partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich, Germany
Thermo Fisher Gene Art, Germany
University of Groningen, Netherlands

Targeting of nucleic acid drugs a new mitochondrial RNA therapeutic strategy


The network of Mitochondrial Gene Expression System in Health and Disease (MITGEST) unites world-class academic excellence in mtDNA and expression with private sector expertise in nucleic acid chemistry. As part of this consortium, baseclick aims to address the targeted delivery of nucleic acids into the mitochondria for the treatment of diseases. A suitable carrier system is required for efficient and effective DNA/RNA transport into the mitochondrial matrix. With our patented click chemistry technology, baseclick can conjugate cellular and cell-compartmental target substances such as peptides, sugars or others with nucleic acids in such a way that they find their way to a specific cell or tissue in the body. baseclick researches the appropriate cell targeting agents to identify a suitable drug candidate to combat mitochondrial diseases.

Cooperation partner:
Radboud umc university medical center of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Other partnes in the consortium are: see Network – MITGEST

IRE1/XBP1 drug development


In stressed cells unfolded proteins in the ER induce phosphorylation and dimerization of IRE1. Dimerization of IRE1 inducing the RNase function. XBP 1 transcript is spliced at a specific stem loop side leading to a new functional XBP1 protein. The resulting XBP1-protein is associated with tumor growth and drug resistance.
baseclick started a program whereby oligonucleotides are tested to inhibit RNase activity of IRE1 for anticancer therapy.

Cooperation partner:
National University of Ireland, Galway