Latest News

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    BIO-EUROPE 2022

    We are excited to meet you at the BIO-Europe 2022 in Leipzig on Oct. 24-26, 2022. Please contact our CEO Dr. Thomas Frischmuth for more

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    LabCon Messe Hamburg

    On 30 August 2022, baseclick will attend LabCon Messe Hamburg. LabCon Messe Hamburg welcomes the best manufacturers, who present their products and services and provide

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    baseclick is part of MITGEST, a new EU funded Doctoral Network

    The EU has funded the new Doctoral Network “MITGEST” (Quality Control of the Mitochondrial Gene Expression System in Health and Disease). Supported under the Marie

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    Lecture at iCA PhD Program

    On 28 June 2022, our CEO Dr. Thomas Frischmuth gave the lecture “Strategies to control COVID-19 pandemic and disease – nucleic acids-based vaccines and drugs”

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    baseclick will attend the New RNA Therapeutics workshop at LMU

    On 24 June 2022, our scientists Fabio Spada and Eva Schönegger will attend the workshop on New RNA Therapeutics at Center for Advanced Studies (CAS)

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